This use case is set up to demonstrate how to use OpenTripPlanner to analyse how well the addresses within a municipality are connected to different services. The steps covered are:
- Downloading all Addresses for a Danish municipality
- Downloading OpenStreetMap data for Denmark
- Clipping the OpenStreetMap data using osmium-tool to the Bounding Box of the municipality.
- Downloading the GTFS data for Denmark
- Downloading the NeTEx data for Denmark
- Starting OpenTripPlanner
- Loading the GTFS and clipped OpenStreetMap data into OpenTripPlanner
- Loading the NeTEx and clipped OpenStreetMap data into OpenTripPlanner
- Query a single journey
- Programmatic Query all addressed in a pandas data frame against a data frame fo destinations
Tools used
Data used
Code and configuration for the project can be accessed as a GitHub representative