Murat Kendir maintains a list of geospatial libraries for Python (The following is a copy from October 2024 the updated version of his lists can be accesed at
Geospatial Libraries
Library Name | Data Type | Accessible Data Sources | Tags |
altair | Vector | visualization | |
ArcPy | Vector & Raster | ArcGIS | ArcGIS |
basemap | Vector & Raster | projection | |
canopy | Vector | ||
cartopy | Vector & Raster | analysis visualization | |
Cgal-bindings | Vector | ||
DataCube | Raster | Satellite Imagery | satellite imagery |
descartes | Raster | image | |
earthpy | Vector & Raster | plot | |
EoxServer | Raster & Vector | Earth Observation | ESA |
Fiona | Vector | read write | |
FME Python | Vector & Raster | FME | |
Folium | Vector & Raster | web map leaflet | |
GDAL | Vector & Raster | manipulation | |
geemap | Raster & Vector | earth engine | |
GeoAlchemy2 | Vector | SpatialLite PostGIS | |
geographiclib | Vector | geodesic calculations | |
geojsonio | Vector | geojson | |
Geomet | Vector | geojson WKT WKB | |
Geopandas | Vector | pandas | |
geoplot | Vector | visualization | |
Geopy | Vector | Nominatim Google | geocoder |
Geos | Vector | JTS | |
geotiff | raster | tif | |
gippy | Raster | image processing | |
Grass | Vector & Raster | ||
h3 | Vector | uber | |
ipyleaflet | Raster | web map leaflet | |
istSOS | Vector | Sensor | |
laszip | PointCloud | LAS LAZ | |
liblas | PointCloud | LAS LAZ | |
libosmium | Vector | OSM | OSM |
LİDAR | Vector & Raster | DEM | |
mapboxgl-jupyter | Vector & Raster | mapbox | mapbox |
mapclassify | Raster | choropleth classification | |
Mapnik | raster | Mapnik Boost | |
MatPlotLib | Vector & Raster | visualization | |
mdal | Vector | mesh | |
networkx | Vector | network analysis | |
Numpy | Vector | Array | |
Opencv-python | Raster | Vision | |
openrouteservice | Vector | openrouteservice | route |
OSMnx | Vector | osm | network analysis |
pandana | Vector | pandas network | |
pdal | PointCloud | pointcloud | |
peartree | Vector | network | |
psycopgr | Vector | pgrouting | |
pyCWS | CSW | ||
pygeoapi | Vector | OGC Feature API | |
PyGMT | Vector & Raster | Blue Marble | generic mapping tools |
pylas | PointCloud | LAS LAZ | |
pymap3d | Vector | ecef coordinate | |
pyproj | Raster & Vector | CS | |
pyQGIS | Vector & Raster | QGIS | |
pyroutelib3 | Vector | osm | routing |
pysal | Vector | analysis | |
pyshp | Vector | shape | |
pyWPS | WPS | ||
Rasterio | Raster | ||
Re | Vector | regular expressions | |
routingpy | Vector | google ors here | routing |
RSGISLib | Raster | remote sensing | |
RTree | Vector | Spatial indexing | |
scikit | Raster | image | |
sentinelhub | Raster | sentinel landsat modis | |
Shapely | Vector | ||
urbansim | Vector | statistical models | |
verde | Raster | gridding | |
whitebox | Vector & Raster | analysis | |
GemGIS | Vector & Raster | height elevation | |
MovingPandas | Vector | moving | |
GeoSnap | Vector | Neighbourhood | |
GeoCube | Vector | geopandas xarray | |
SQLAlchemy | Database | SQL | |
GeoViews | Vector & Raster | geographic | |
TensorFlow | Vector & Raster | machine learning | |
Keras | Vector | deep learning | |
Hugging Face | Semantics | NLP | |
GeoParquet | Vector & Raster | io | |
GeoPySpark | Raster | raster processing | |
GeoDjango | Vector & Raster | web framework | |
PyGIMLi | Vector & Raster | geophysics | |
PyNIO | Vector & Raster | climate weather | |
OWSLib | Vector & Raster | wms wfs wmts | |
PyOGC | Vector & Raster | wms wfs feature | |
Plotly | Raster | wms wmts xyz | |
pyDeck | Vector & Raster | map geojson 3D | |
Osrm-py | Vector | routing | |
pylode | Vector | ontology | |
pytdml | Vector & Raster | AI, training, learning | |
esridump | Vector | shp, geojson, esri |